竹签的烘干方法。 The drying method of bamboo. 1、先把竹子锯成你要的长度。 1. Sawing bamboo into the length you want first. 2、经过出丝机。 2, through the wire machine. 3、削尖。 3, sharpening. 4、将处理好的牙签再锅里进行漂白处理。 4, the treated toothpick is bleached in the pot. 5、进入烘箱边杀菌边烘干就可以打包了。 5, into the oven and drying on the side of the sterilizing side can be packed. 冬天围着暖炉吃着烧烤是很惬意的一件事,但是你知道重复利用竹签的危害吗? The winter around the stove to eat barbecue is a very pleasant thing, but you know the repeated use of bamboo harm? 竹签反复使用,危害人体健康。我们常见的那种小吃铺,里面大多会将竹签来反复使用,反复使用的竹签可能成为病菌的“温床”。反复使用竹签存在诸多卫生隐患,即使经过高温处理也较有可能残留细菌,带有细菌的竹签会对食客的身体健康造成严重威胁。严重的可能会导致进食者出现大肠杆菌感染,引起各种消化道疾病,还可能传染乙肝、甲肝、痢疾等传染病。 Bamboo is used repeatedly, harm to human health. That our common snack shop, most of the inside will be used repeatedly to bamboo, bamboo can be used repeatedly. The "hotbed". The repeated use of bamboo has many health problems, even after high temperature treatment is also very likely residual bacteria, bacteria used to pose a serious threat to the health of people. Serious infection of Escherichia coli, various digestive tract diseases and infectious diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis A and dysentery may be caused by the serious infection. 历城区国翔商贸中心 联系人:张经理 地址:济南市七里堡综合批发市场三楼75号(西楼梯口) 网址/ 鲁商云/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 济南诺商信息网站: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*